Funny Senior Last Will and Testament

These are the Last Wills & Testaments done by some members of the Class of 2000:

Selena Averett:

I, Selena Averett, leave Leanna Harris my sincere dedication and love for the sport of cheerleading. I leave Mandy Hallman my perkiness and my drive to be involved in everything possible. I leave Keele Kernop the attitude to dress for myself and my personality, no matter how many funny looks I get walking down the hall. I leave Matt Farris my love for school. I leave Brad Smelser my mirror so he can admire his buff body all day long. Finally, I leave all of my memories to my teachers: you will all keep a special place in my heart.

Jessica Barger:

I, Jessica Barger leave the following: To Leann Bigham: I leave you our memories, huh! 'Nuff said! But one word--Walmart. To Jennifer Meggs: I'm so glad we met in 2nd grade. The Bus. Ms. Skinner. Ms. Watkins. Mrs. Swan. Addict. Disney World. The Bus. Brandy. The boys. Prom. To my homies: I love you guys. Ya'll know who you are. To everyone else: Good luck in life! For me, I'll see ya on the big screen. I can't say any more because it can only be 100 words (ha ha!)!

Kitty Baucom:

I, Kitty Baucom, leave all my fun teachers at Holt High School to my sister, Amy Baucom. I also leave her all of the work she will do next year. The main thing I leave her is Mr. Crook's term paper. She is a hard worker, so I know she will be able to do all of the work she will have to do next year as a Senior.

Chris Blake:

I, Chris Blake, leave my charm, loud music, good looks, strength, and parking tickets to my sister, Jennifer Champion.

David Caddell:

I, David Caddell, leave the following things to the following people: To Victoria Whitfield: A whole lot of patience and the ability to ignore people when they scream at you what they think the band should play. To Leanna Harris: Everything I have from Key Club and my help anytime you need it. To the members of the Purple Lancer Marching Band: Whatever I can do to help to have a good marching season next year. To the class of 2001: Don't procrastinate; never wait until the last minute to do your homework, start your research project, get good grades, etc.

Misty Carr:

I, Misty, Maxine, Faye Carr, in sole mind and body, leave: To LaTonya McCall my ability to count out loud and not lost my patience on the field or practicing. To Kim Mizell, my ability to smile at who or whatever God sends my way. To my younger brother, my good reputation with the teachers at Holt High School, maybe it will do you some good. To my Senior classmates, I leave this verse: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, love, faith, and purity." 1 Tim. 4:12

Justin Carroll:

I, Justin Hayes Carroll, being of sound mind and body (OK, as sound as they'll ever be!) leave the following: To Whitney Bachelor: I leave my 'keen fashion sense,' especially the Genie outfit and THE yellow shorts!! To Patrick Crawford: I leave my first best seller: 101 Ways to get a Traffic Ticket Without Even Trying. To Mr. Gordon: I leave my best wishes for a happy, healthy baby--times two (x2). To Coach Brantley: I leave my secret recipes (the main secret is--let someone else do them). To Coach Milligan: I leave a huge thank you and one IOU.

Brooke Christian:

I, Stephanie Brooke Christian, leave to my little sis Mallori, all the fun times and GREAT memories I made at Holt. To Christy Parr I leave my softball jersey #15 and my ability to get mad at myself and of course make up for it. To Mandy Russell I leave my Senior parking spot. To Whitney Bachelor, I leave a lock and a key so she will never lose anything again. And to all of you: Thank you and may God be with you always. Joshua 1:9.

Drew Clements:

I, Drew Clements, leave Casey Montgomery the full rights to the HHS Senior 2000 Webpage to be remade into the HHS Senior 2001 Webpage. I also leave to Kevin James a tall glass of "NAW!" I leave Jeremy Smith a FUBU jersey. I leave Robbie Lee a citation for noise pollution. And last, but not least, I leave Kim Mizell the first Austin Powers movie.

Rachel Crowell:

I, Rachel Crowell, known for my pretty smile, would like to leave my wit and charm to Bershondra Jones. I leave my computer skills to Tiffany Lawson, because you know I can get down on the computer. I leave my folder for Mr. Crook's class to Tonya Young--good luck, because you're going to need it! I leave my craziness to Lakitha Wilder. And to all those who are hating on the class of 2000, don't hate...your time will come...because you know we're runnin' this 'thang!'

John Dickey:

I, John Dickey, being of sound mind and body leave behind the following items for the following people: To Heath Farley I leave the fork that was taken from the cafeteria. To Kevin James I leave a sack of "NAW!" To Casey Montgomery I leave behind a set of quicker reflexes. To Derrick Dunn: I leave behind my white cleats. And last, but nowhere close to least, I leave Angela Jones my undying love.

Toni Dismukes:

I, Tony Dismukes, leave to the student body of Holt High School the ability to be straightforward and stay grounded. A lot of times we, as people, lose touch of who we are and what is important to us. Before you seek acceptance from others, learn to accept yourself. On a final note, don't let high school be your final destination; even if college is not for you, do something! Oh, and to the class of 2000, it's been real and I'll miss you guys! I think I speak for all of us when I say it's time to GO!

Courtney Douglas:

I, Courtney Douglas, being sweet and fun to be around, leave my best wishes and my English book for Mr. Crook's class to my brother, Jason. I also leave to Justin my behavior, because it has improved over the years, and I hope he improves his. I leave my best wishes to Aquisha Coleman and Dershall Mack, to keep up their basketball skills and keep playing. And finally, to all those haters who aren't on the level of the class of 2000, I have five words for you: We up out of here!!!

Andy Guy:

I, Andy Guy, leave my brother David my football number. May he be as good an athlete as he thinks he is.

Eric Harper:

I, Eric Harper, leave Holt High telling everyone to smile and laugh when things don't seem to be going well. Problems won't be problems unless you make them problems. I leave my brother, Dustin Harper, the ability to stay in control. Handle your business dog; stay on 'em.

Stephanie Hemphill:

I, Stephanie Latrice Hemphill, being of great mind and magnificent body, leave the following: My ability to make humorous situations out of otherwise bad times to Mikki Chatman; my way of carrying my backpack to school when I don't need it to my cousin Jeremy Edwards; my cool way of flirting to Joshua Noland (I hope you have more success at it than I've had!); my eccentric ways of styling my hair to Mr. Crook; and to everyone else I leave nuttin' but my love because I'm up out this thang! Peace out!

Lacy Howton:

I, Lacy Howton, leave all my cute Walmart shirts to Emily McDonald. I leave my English folder for Mr. Crook's class and tickets to Panama City Beach to Ashley Hallman. And I leave my best friend Leah Terry, rice krispies treats, chocolate milk, Christina Aguilera's "What a Girl Wants," and our singing boyfriends.

Steven Hulskotter:

I, Steven Hulskotter, give my last will and testament as a Senior at Holt High. Naw, Naw, Naw, Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww!!!

Tiffany Jefferson:

I, Tiffany Nicole Jefferson, leave my strength, desire, and my attitude to Tonya Young and Bianca Grant; you will endure many HATERS, but STAY STRONG! I also leave my love for a good education to you. Make the best of what you get in life. I love you!

Christie Lewis:

I, Christie Michelle Lewis, leave everything to Monica Lewis, Karen Lewis, Brian Donald, Alicia Donald, Jonathan Polk, and Bershondra Jones. I leave these people my ability to learn, put up with Holt High's messiness, and smile even though I want to cry. I also leave them the courage to handle any hard decision that comes your way. I would like to leave you with the strength to carry on in my absence. I know it will be hard to go on without looking at my beautiful smile and energetic personality, but try to keep on keeping on. Love ya'll!

Nailah May:

I leave Nailah May, in sound mine and fine body leave Mrs. Tittle's Office of Memories to Bershondra Jones. I leave my love for JIG 10 and the ability to get along with the guys and still have respect for oneself and others to Leanna Harris - I know you can carry JIG far and respect yourself. I leave KeAndre Cade, My Future Prom Date, my cuteness and the ability to dance. As juniors, you girls learned not to chase our men, but you need to settle for defeat. I will miss ya'll--even those Haters that don't know nuthin' 'bout them "double-0's."

Alexis Medina:

I Alexis Medina, being of sound mind and body do leave the Holt High School yearbook staff in the capable hands of Lauren Stringer. I also leave $. 50 to my cousin, Jeremy Edwards.

Jennifer Meggs:

I, Jennifer Meggs, give my last will and testament as a Senior at Holt High School. To Jamie Wyers: You've taught me a lot, chick; love ya always. Keep everyone straight on staff. To Candy Stines: I leave my Journalism skills. To Jessica Barger, Drew Clements, Matthew Norris, Sam Dabbs, and Rusty Sigler: I had so much fun with ya'll--love ya--keep in touch! To Kriston Gilliland: I'm glad we're friends. As long as I'm happy, just whichever, down to you potty, I wish it was Thursday. To Brian Lunceford: Loved the 5x7. To everyone else: Jesus loves you!

Mary Jane Moore:

I, Mary Jane Moore, leave: Jennifer Ballard, Leslie Doolittle, and Brittany Barger the ability to check in and out as many times as you want and still keep decent grades. Rachel Pope, Robbie Lee, and Scarlett Smith: the best of luck on Danceline. Mr. Gordon: a "Thank you" for being the best teacher ever and to Ms. Skinner, for all the times that I needed you and you were there. Jeremy Smith, "Smitty," the best of luck in everything you do. You are very special and no matter where life takes us, I will never forget you!!

Terrance Page:

I, Terrance Page, leave my talented basketball skills to Justin Douglas. To Serena Toeran, I leave the abusive friendship that we shared. To Kenyetta, I would like to tell her she will always run into bigger problems...that's the size of people that pick on her. Keep your head up. To all the teachers who have taught me throughout my school years, I would like to thank them for that. To Derrick Graves: You and I have been with each other all our lives...good luck!!!

Kenya Parker:

I, LaKenya Renee Parker, being of functioning mind and body, leave my sweetness and charming ability to my cousin Bershondra. I leave Mr. Crook's folder to Mikki and Serena...that term paper ain't no joke! I also leave much love and strength from God above to my baby brother Jarrod. Last, but certainly not least, to everyone who has been HATIN' on the Class of Deuce-Triple-"0" since the jump--the class of '99, some of you in our class, and all of you UNDERCLASSMEN: Always remember that we will forever be Runnin' This Thang!

Jackie Prince:

I, Jacqueline Renea Prince, want the underclassmen to remember ME as a "Volleyball Legend." I want to be remembered as the baddest "yella" girl that ran the court in my time. But as I leave this place, I want to leave behind the things that are most precious and memorable to me. My volleyball skills, my strange ability to do hair, and my ability to not let things show when they are bothering me to my only cousin, Angel Jefferson.

Jennifer Pugh:

To Carina Sanchez, I leave my shoulder when you need someone to lean on and free to pass to "call me" as frequently as possible. To Deven Hagler, I leave a pair of scissors so you don't have to tell another "boo-whackin" story again. I also leave a box of fruit loops. To Christy Parr, I leave my volleyball number. To Nick Busby, I leave my love and friendship--just as I always have, just as I do, and just as I always will. I'm always here for you, no matter who or what is on your mind.

Teresa Randolph:

To my underclassman friends I leave this advice: celebrate diversity and never settle for second best. Also, Ashley: Don't let anyone touch my lights!! To my classmates: imagine more than you think you'll do and do more than you plan. In the mean-time, don't pick your nose and look at people funny. To Orange and Green: "I give you plums!"

Lori Shuttlesworth:

I, Lori Shuttlesworth, leave Deven Hagler all of our memories that we have made during our friendship and all the ones we will make in the future. I leave Carina Sanchez all the fun times at S & S and all the memories we have made during our friendship. Finally, I leave Ashley Englebert all the crazy days in Mrs. Tittle's class and all the great memories we have made in our friendship.

Rusty Sigler:

I, Rusty Sigler, give my last will and testament as a Senior at Holt High. Blah BLBLBLBlah...Blah Blah Blah...BLAAAAAAHHHHAAALAKHGHHGHAJKAJAAJHGA AJAK. Blah Blah.

Summer Smith:

To Ashley Hallman, I leave the ability to act crazy and not get embarrasses about it. I also leave her with the memories of Trevor and Wevor. To Fallon Goins, I leave my driving skills. To Brittney Barger, I leave our best friend, "Jim." To Leah Terry, I leave my jogging pants, so she doesn't have to dress up all the time. To Mandy Russell, I leave a deck of cards, one game of spades, the ability to always be a designated driver, a bag of cookies, all our great memories, and hope that she never gets caught.

Jenny Sullivan:

I, Jenny Lynn Sullivan, leave my great intelligence to Mallori Christian. My clumsy mistakes and stupid sense of humor, I leave to the person we all know to be the craziest: Stormie Duncan. The privilege to leave school and go to La Fiesta, I leave to Mandy Russell. I leave my locker and all my books to anyone with enough sense to use them wisely. My unique softball abilities (especially the way I overthrow first base) and my jersey #40, I leave to Jessica Mullenix. Memories are the most precious things of all, so make plenty of them. God Bless!!

Elizabeth Truelove:

I, Elizabeth Truelove, leave to Jennifer Ballard, Leslie Doolittle, and Brittney Barger my lunch-skipping skills during 3rd block. To Jennifer Pugh, Melissa Latham, and Carina Sanchez--What the crap? Who's the blue haired guy? To Monica McCall, my wonderful layout designs and to Eric Wilson, my ability to sing the National Anthem without forgetting the words. Mr. Crook--I know you'll miss my bronchial spasms. To everyone else--remember--everyday above ground is a blessed day, there is always something to smile about, and a personal relationship with Jesus is a precious opportunity for a great eternity. I love you!

Kevin Turner:

I, Kevin Turner, leave most, but not all, of my NASCAR knowledge to Jeremy Shaw to inform all of those who do not know about the greatest sport in America. I leave my knowledge of baseball field maintenance to Patrick Crawford for next year. I leave my offensive position of tight end on the football team to Jeremy Shaw, may he have as much success as I did. Finally, I leave the joy and wonder of Mr. Crook's term paper to each member of the 2001 Senior class. May you have as many long nights as I did.

Shannon Walker:

I, Shannon Leigh Walker, leave all my favorite memories and love to Stormie Duncan, Jennifer Ballard, and Sommer Ledbetter. I leave my ability to miss so many days of school and still graduate on time (hopefully) to Mandy Russell and Leslie Doolittle. I leave my craziness, which I've lost most of, to Mallori Christian and Brooke Ledbetter. I leave my athletic abilities to LaTonya Young. To everyone else, I leave best wishes and lots of Love, May God Bless!

Chaka Wilder:

I, Chaka Wilder, being absent-minded but with a cute smile, leave my silliness and fine body to my sister, Lakitha. I leave my mirror to Missy Banks--"Go Missy, go Missy! Ha! Ha!" I can't forget my girl Sheretta Tillman...I leave her a check for the first of every month, because she is so special (not in a good way). I leave Serena Torean my food, because your body looks hungry, girl. I also leave LaTonya Young my cute smile, because all you do is smile. Love ya! I will miss you all!



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